New LYMMO bus leaves some Parramore residents at the curb

The expansion of the Lymmo free bus service in Parramore is exciting news -- except if you live in Parramore. Mayor Buddy Dyer, Lynx and other government officials will be holding a ceremony Friday to cut the ribbon for the Lymmo Lime line. Here’s how the event was described in the week-ahead advisory sent to the news media. “Mayor Dyer will join with Lynx to celebrate LYMMO’s latest expansion with the completion of the Lime Line. The new LYMMO Lime Line provides a critical connection for the Parramore neighborhood to access Lynx Central Station, SunRail and the downtown core.” Sounds like the service is for Parramore residents. But, it’s not. If you look at the accompanying map provided by Lynx, it’s clear that the Lime line doesn’t enter the residential area of Parramore – one of Orlando’s historically black communities that is being threatened by gentrification. The free bus service is focused on serving the federal courthouse, FAMU College of Law, Creativ...