Lynx changes bus stops in Pine Hills

Pay attention if you or your friends ride the Lynx bus in the Pine Hills area. As of Friday (6/26) Lynx will no longer serve the bus terminal in the parking lot of Park Promenade Plaza in Pine Hills. Transfers between bus routes will be made at the intersection of Hiawassee Road and Silver Star Road. · Link 37 – last stop northbound will be at the new bus stop on the northwest corner in front of Bank of America. Southbound buses will board at the bus stop on the southwest corner by Walgreens. · Link 44 – last stop southbound will be at the new bus stop on the northwest corner in front of Bank of America. Northbound buses will board at the bus shelter on Hiawassee Road in front of Popeye’s. · Link 48 – last stop westbound will be at the new bus stop on the northwest corner in front of Bank of America. Eastbo...