Vote like your bus ride depends on it

Public transit sucks in Central Florida – really in most of Florida – because most of the politicians on the Nov. 6 ballot don’t care about public transportation. We know this because we embarked on a month-long investigation to survey federal, state and county commission candidates whose names are on Central Florida ballots. Through the efforts of researcher Robin Denise Harris , we posed 2 simple questions: If elected, does the candidate plan to support efforts to improve and expand SunRail? If elected, does the candidate plan to support efforts to improve and expand Lynx (or Votran for candidates in Volusia County)? Of the 38 candidates we reached out to (trying several times if candidates did not respond to the first query) 17 candidates answered yes. Those answering YES included: U.S. House : Darren Soto, Wayne Liebnitsky Florida Senate candidate: Melissa Martin Florida House candidates: Tracey Kagen, Ricky Shirah, Barbara Cady, Geraldine Thompson, An...